# OAuth Integration

Starting from 4.3 version, eXo Platform allows users to log in using their social network accounts, including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn. Starting from 6.0 version, you can use an OpenId integration, which is based on OAuth protocol. To enable the feature, you need to do the main steps below:

  • Registering an application on the social network you want.
  • Making some configurations in exo.properties to enable the social network with its registered application information. After startup of eXo Platform, the users can log in and register into eXo Platform via the corresponding social network. In this chapter:
  • Overview Quick introduction to the the UI flow after one social network is integrated with eXo Platform.
  • Registering your OAuth applicationHow to register your OAuth applications, including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and OpenId
  • Setting up eXo Platform Steps to configure eXo Platform that enable the social network with its registered application information.
  • On-the-fly registration Introduction to the on-the-fly registration that allows administrator to skip the Registration form for the new social accounts.

# Overview

When a social network is integrated with eXo Platform, the UI flow will be as follows:

The login page will have new buttons below:


When clicking the Facebook button for example, the OAuth authorization flow starts. The user will be redirected to the Facebook page and be asked for login if not yet. Facebook then asks the user if he allows eXo to access his profile data.


If the user accepts, he is logged into eXo and redirected to the homepage.

# Registering your OAuth application

Registration will be detailed for each OAuth provider. But in all cases, the provider will give you a pair of Client ID/Secret needed for later configuration.


Pay attention to the Redirect URL that should match your server host and port. In the below instructions, it is assumed that your host is server.local.network.com.

# Facebook

  1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps (opens new window) and register as a Facebook developer if not yet.

  2. Click Create a New App. Here, enter Display Name, Namespace and select one Category, then click Create App ID.


  3. In your created application, select Settings. Here, input the values:


Before going to the production environment, you need to disable the development mode in your registered application. If not, your application is available only for you, your developers and users created for your application.


To switch the development mode to the public one, go to Status & Review, then click



# Twitter

  1. Go to the Twitter Developer page (opens new window). From this page, go to the Manage Your Apps page (in the TOOLS category near the bottom), then register your application by clicking Create New App.
  2. Fill values for Name and Description. Use http://server.local.network.com:8080 (opens new window) and http://server.local.network.com:8080/portal/twitterAuth (opens new window) for Website and Callback URL respectively.



The Callback URL must be filled for Twitter to recognize that it is a web application which is trying to connect. Twitter will not accept http://localhost:8080/portal (opens new window) as a valid URL but you can use any, even http://www.twitter.com (opens new window). This field will be ignored but it cannot be left empty.

  1. In the created application, optionally edit it. In the Settings tab, you may need to enable the Sign in with Twitter feature (by ticking the Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter checkbox). It is recommended you enable it, otherwise your users will need to authorize in Twitter after each login into eXo Platform. For the Access option, the default value as Read only is sufficient. After finishing the whole process, you should see in the Details tab as below:


Consumer Key and Consumer Secret (in Keys and Access Token tab) will be used to configure Client ID and Client Secret later.

# LinkedIn

  1. Go to https://www.linkedin.com/developer/apps/ (opens new window). From this page, register your application by selecting Create App.

  2. Fill values for Name, Linkedin Page, Application Logo URL, and create App


  3. On Product tab, choose Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect and click on Request Access to add OpenIdConnect to your app

  4. On Auth tab, in part `OAuth 2.0 settings, add and authorized redirect url : https://${domainName}/portal/linkedinAuth (Replace domainName with your real domain name)

  5. Get ClientId and ClientSecret for the next step of configuration.

# Google

  1. Go to the https://developers.google.com/ (opens new window). Here, access the Google Developers Console page (in the Developer Consoles category near the bottom) and register as Google developer if not yet.
  2. Create your project first, then go to it.
  3. In the Gallery icon --> API Manager part --> Overview, make sure Google+ API is enabled.
  4. In the Credentials part, click Add credentials and select Oauth 2.0 client ID.


  1. Select Web application. In the Authorized redirect URIs field, input http://server.local.network.com:8080/portal/googleAuth (opens new window).


  1. Click Create and view information of Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URIs.


# OpenId

The OpenId configuration depends on which implementation you use, but the steps are similar : You have to create an application, provide Authorized Redirect URI, which is http://server.local.network.com:8080/portal/openidAuth (opens new window) Then, you will be able to obtain a client ID, and a client secret from the openID provider

# Setting up eXo Platform

It is assumed that your eXo Platform instance will be executed on the host: server.local.network.com (remember to set up your host, for example, by adding it to /etc/hosts on Linux), so you will need to:

  1. Change the property exo.base.url to the value of your host. See Server base URL for details.

         # OAuth
  2. Make configurations for the social networks that you want in exo.properties.

         ## Facebook
         ## Twitter
         ## LinkedIn
         ## Google Plus
         ## OpenId

    In which:

    • exo.oauth.{OAuth_Provider}.enabled - Enables the integration with the social network. Users will now be able to log in and register with their social network accounts.
    • exo.oauth.{OAuth_Provider}.clientId - Client ID of your application.
    • exo.oauth.{OAuth_Provider}.clientSecret - Client Secret of your application.

For OpenId, you need to add 1 more property which is the url of the resource named well-known configuration file. In this file, all other information are present. This configuration is implicit in other providers, but as OpenId can be implemented in different ways, we have to provide url. In url, replace openid.server.com] by the name of your OpenId server.

  ## OpenId Urls


Google provide an OpenId protocol implementation. You can use it by creating an Oauth 2.0 client ID (as explained previously), and by using it as openid provider, with theses parameters :


Finally, for OpenId, you need a redirectUrl which will be called by your openid server after successful authentication. This url will read the logged-in user, and redirect him to the portal

  1. Restart eXo Platform server. Your users should be able to register or log in with their social network accounts.

# On-the-fly registration

The on-the-fly registration mode is option that allows administrator to skip the Registration form for the new social accounts that log into eXo for the first time. If the option is not turned on, users will have to edit their social information for the first login into eXo Platform.


  1. Configuring the on-the-fly registration

By default, the Registration form is skipped for the three networks following:


The on-the-fly registration option is not turned on for Twitter by default. In case of the on-the-fly registration, a random password will be generated for the new user. So the only way for the user to know his password is via the Forget password function (which will require email address). The Twitter site does not allow third-party application to get user email, so it is recommended you do not enable this option for Twitter.